End anxiety, panic, stress, depression.

Find anxiety treatment specialist help for panic, social phobia and stress, and relief for insomnia, life transitions, grief, and difficulties in relationships. Find peace, wellness of being, balance, and counseling help to create the life you truly want.

Have you wondered how a therapist can help or had unsuccessful experiences in trying to heal anxiety and depression? I am here to discuss your situation and provide a safe therapeutic relationship within which you are understood, supported, encouraged, and respected as you bounce back into health and well being.

What you gain in psychotherapy:

  • Take control of your life again
  • move from surviving to flourishing
  • overcome procrastination and pursue your goals
  • unearth obstacles to becoming the best you can be
  • discover hidden strengths and embrace the self fully
  • strengthen your spiritual base in everyday living
  • live a value-based life in peace and serenity
  • transform challenges into an embodied wisdom
  • show up for yourself and your world.

Remember, you are not your diagnosis or your problems. You are much more than that. You have the capacity to develop self-soothing wiring that can calm and ease disorganized states. You can learn to hold yourself with a warm compassion and regard even when faced with challenging truths, to shift from the intelligence of the head to the wisdom of the heart.

With my experience, innovative  and well-researched approaches, clinical knowledge, sensitivity, and intuition, I will support you in therapy with your difficult  or painful concerns such as stress, severe anxiety, panic attacks and social phobia.  I will celebrate your strengths, gains, and successes with you as well.

How you can feel better.  

You can:

  • reduce uncomfortable symptoms
  • find balance in all areas of your life
  • surpass addictive behavior and draw on hidden sources of recovery
  • unleash creative energy
  • have more harmonious relationships where you can express your needs
  • strengthen families ties
  • be happier and empowered as your true self
  • appreciate the process and the journey of growth
  • break down the barriers to freedom

You deserve to be yourself and delight in yourself with all of your flaws and your strengths. You deserve to be well and live with ease in your life. You deserve to have your own back and support yourself through whatever occurs inside of you. I am on your side in developing these capacities.

See your potentials and capacities flourish. Develop your social and emotional intelligence. Feel Empowered. Follow your passion and possibilities to be the best you can be as you remember that you are enough as you really are, the genuine you.

I will guide you beyond your thoughts, feelings, and limiting beliefs to your authentic self, your true self. Learn to quiet the heart and the mind will quiet also. I can support you in experiencing your uncomfortable feelings or thoughts. I support the development of your gifts with compassion and clarity. I look forward to speaking to you about how we can work together. There is a way to anchor into the resilient, wise part of you.

You can find creative healing from anxiety, depression, addictions, grief, stuck patterns, and unfulfilling relationships and release what is blocking health. Healing is about releasing from the constrictive blocks in the body. You can allow the pain to dissolve in the richness of the moment, in presence.

daisy trail

You can feel safe again. You can develop emotional fitness and strength. With awareness and growing confidence you can rediscover joy, peace, love, play, ease, creativity and safety in your life. You can learn to set goals for success and stick with them.  I look forward to working with you on clarifying your intentions and setting goals. You at your best are too good to be missed.


Be the best you can be as a:

  • spouse
  • parent
  • creator
  • friend
  • contributor
  • son or daughter
  • lover
  • worker
  • manager
  • leader

What methods do I use?:

The key to success in psychotherapy is the right approach for the right problem and putting those problems in a perspective that includes your strengths and successes. I have dedicated myself to learning and providing powerful treatment protocols based on client needs.  I have an eclectic approach to treatment using the following effective methods, both new and those that have been used by the greats in the field:

  • AEDP:  Through attunement between the therapist and client, feelings are experienced, expressed, soothed and contained releasing a natural strength and growth in identity, resilience in functioning, and increasing intimacy in relationships.
  • CBT-Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy:  Through clarifying maladaptive thought, belief, feeling and behavior patterns, the therapist and client work together to develop an objective thinking, process, more realistic belief systems, healthier communication patterns, less procrastination tendencies and more internal congruence.
  • Coaching:  Through questions, specific techniques and tools, the therapist and client explore developing an action plan to achieve personal goals and overcome barriers in achieving goals and lasting happiness.
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques including Tapping:  EFT or Tapping is sometimes described as acupressure for the emotions.  It combines the benefits of both Chinese meridian therapy approaches with traditional therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.  It uses the relaxation response of tapping to disrupt negative emotional reactions or memories.  It facilitates a sometimes immediate relief from emotional and physical tension and discomfort. This is an effective way to partner with your body in the healing process.
  • Energy Medicine:  Through movements that are simple and enjoyable you can promote whole brain functioning. The mind and body can learn to coordinate, integrate and work more efficiently  Learning and expression flow.  The fight flight system can be calmed and replaced by the calm and relax processes in your body and mind. Using exercises that cross the mid line of the body can make life easier. They can facilitate focus, processing of feelings, and centering. Using these processes can facilitate moving from being stuck to being productive.
  • Family Systems:  Through exploration of the family unit, the therapist and clients explore patterns in the family structure that are disruptive and develop new more functional ways of relating and developing independence within the family structure. Family therapy is also known as couple and family therapy, marriage and family therapy or family systems therapy.  It is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on families, couples and other dyads of the family in close relationships to encourage change and develop intimacy and attachment.
  • Grief Counseling:  Dealing with loss and grief can feel overwhelming and confusing. Understanding the process of grief and emotional processing can facilitate regaining ground after someone or something is lost to you. The right support and understanding helps you to feel less alone in the process and more able to find respite in your process of recovery.
  • Heart-Based Living:  Many approaches to change and development emphasize a shift from head to heart, using the wisdom of the heart to propel a different mode of thinking and behaving. Although the heart has  often been treated as a second class citizen, recent research has validated the need to include the resonance of the heart in how we function as whole human beings.
  • Hypnotherapy and Visualization:  Through a relaxed aware state induced by the therapist through hypnosis and relaxation techniques, a variety of emotional, behavioral and relational issues can be explored, understood and resolved.
  • Intuitive Counseling:   Through a sense of knowing, insight, and understanding the therapist and client approach personal blocks and insights.  Employing feelings, instinct, and more subtle information a shortcut to a deeper understanding of difficult scenarios in your life is available through this process. All of the senses conspire to provide information that can create a light bulb moment in one’s life, illuminating confusing or unconscious areas that can otherwise create disturbance and confusion.
  • Mindfulness:  Through the development of relaxed awareness, therapist and client can overcome the internal blocks to living in a more centered, calm approach to life, love and work that assists the client in recognizing reactive patterns and process them in a healthy, present way.
  • Person-Centered Therapy:  In a non-judgemental, safe environment, the therapist and client explore the wisdoms and potentials of the client that are available when maladaptive behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are recognized, accepted and processed. Take the next step towards wholeness and happiness.
  • Psychoeducational:  Borrowing from the wisdom traditions throughout the ages, this approach emphasizes teaching through learning about different modes of thinking and approaches to viewing the self. One can accelerate learning through the trial and error process of experimenting with suggested methods and shifting perspectives. Experiential therapy combined with this approach provides a clear step by step route to discovering the authentic self and utilizing productive behaviors when faced with old habits that no longer fit.
  • Voice Therapy: This process gives voice to internalized negative thought processes.  Through converting these thoughts from first to second person or from I statements to you statements strong and often pent up feelings are released and processed. Using this process a client can move from self-defeating and self destructive patterns where the client feels divided inside to a more integrated and strong self.


When you are ready, I am here to help with anxiety and panic therapy in the Encinitas area or on the phone and I welcome your request for support.  I will help you explore and find the answers to your questions and concerns with understanding and compassion. I look forward to helping you with your concerns, answering your questions, listening to what is disquieting for you.

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”

-Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician (1875-1965)

Ready to begin your Journey?

Request a consultation or an appointment with your anxiety treatment specialist  HERE


anxiety treatment specialist dr. pamela polcyn

What are my specialities:
Panic Attacks
Social Anxiety
Life Transitions
Personal Growth
Grief and Loss
Highly Sensitive Person
Work and Career Transitions
Joy and Happiness
Growth and Transformation
Identity Empowerment
Marriage Counseling
Resilience and Recovery Planning

Free Tools

Five Minutes to Relax Audios

Sample one of the free audios that are available on this site to offer you a brief break in your day or a relaxing start or finish to your day.  These are not intended to be used while driving. They are intended to assist you in reducing stress, anxiety, upset, or tension and to help you in creating equanimity and balance in your life.

 More 5+Minutes to Relax Audio HERE

 My Blogs and Podcasts

Medical Tests to Have For Your Mental Health
A Sigh of Relief in the Presence of Kindness
6 Ways to Head off a Panic Attack
Anxiety 101
Vit D3: 10 Reasons your Brain-Body Loves it and the Dangers of D-ficiency
Leap of Faith:  From Control to Vulnerability in Friendships
My Mind is Jammed:  The Creative Ebb and Flow


I go among trees and sit still.
All my stirring becomes quiet
around me like circles on water.
My tasks lie in their places
where I left them, asleep like cattle.

Then what is afraid of me comes
and lives a while in my sight.
What it fears in me leaves me,
and the fear of me leaves it.
It sings, and I hear its song.

Then what I am afraid of comes.
I live for a while in its sight.
What I fear in it leaves it,
and the fear of it leaves me.
It sings, and I hear its song.

After days of labor,
mute in my consternations,
I hear my song at last,
and I sing it. As we sing,
the day turns, the trees move.

                                                                                             – Wendell Berry

Locations Served:

  • Encinitas
  • Rancho Santa Fe
  • Carlsbad
  • Solana Beach
  • Oceanside
  • Del Mar
  • San Diego

Monday through Friday
7:00am – 4:00 pm


Information on endanxiety.com is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided is for informational purposes only and represents the personal experiences and information encountered to date by its author. While endanxiety.com employs reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented.

Errors or omissions in the content of this website may occur. Endanxiety.com suggests that you to do your own research and consult directly with your personal medical professional. Information is not intended to serve as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your licensed health care provider before making any treatment decisions.

Information on end anxiety.com is intended for your personal use only. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance your own personal knowledge.